Saturday, May 14, 2011

Job Hunt

EDIT: Yes we know the screenshots are abit big and overlap onto the sidebar, but it's so that those with granny eyesight can still read

It's the summer vacation, and that usually includes holidays, camps... and the inevitable part-time job to raise some pocket money for your school term.

The admin here at realFASS has been browsing through some job advertisements recently... and many of them are quite.. interesting, to say the least.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy our job hunt. :)

What do most people consider when looking for a job? Yes, the $pay$ has to be good. How about this gem :

EIGHT dollars an hour to wash cups and tidy a pantry !?! That's almost as absurd as the ministerial pay in Singapore. 

I wanted to apply for this, but I don't think I am 'qualified' enough. I don't have any 'Cups Cleaning' diploma which I guess the successful job applicants all have.

Then you know some recruiters are really trying too hard when they write stuff like this:

MAGNIFICENT office environment! Comes with fancy chandeliers, English curtains and parquet floors! Its MAGnificence will be magnified beyond iMagination!

And I know some of you are lazy people, so I found this great job for you:

It has ZERO working hours! You just need to apply for it, and pay just enters your bank account without you doing anything! Real good for slackers and lazy people alike!

This just sounds like some loan shark advertisement.

You have heard of part time jobs, and then there are full time jobs. Did you know there is one more category?

Harhar, so creative. BIG TIME.

And what is the job description of a 'personal dancer'? 
Sounds like he's soliciting for a wh-re. 

That's all we have! Asked for contributions but no one came up with any :( Hope you liked these anyhow!

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