Monday, May 2, 2011

Election fever

I told myself I didn't want to participate in the slugfest of pre-elections, and so we didn't contribute any tweets amidst the current trend of political debate. There will not be any substantial arguments in this post, just some observations that we have.

I'm sure many of you are well-connected via Facebook and have seen the notes and statuses alike that have defended PAP or bashed PAP. From criticizing how TPL doesn't deserve to be in politics to Nicole Seah receiving more likes than MM Lee - these squabbles are certainly entertaining to read.

Two more recent occurrences:

Ministerial pay
Probably one of the hottest topics around is how Singapore's ministers are fetching such an outrageous amount. WP's Sylvia Lim has criticized it some time ago, and people are now still scratching their heads over how this is fair.
You have probably heard the arguments by now - 'oh, we need to peg it to the corporate sector, top CEOs get the same, blabla' and 'to retain talent, keep them loyal, blabla' so I won't bore you with them. What led me to even mention this here is this comment by SM Goh: (link here)

"Describing the issue of ministerial salaries as the Opposition’s "favourite flogging horse", Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said yesterday that the "majority" of the population were not concerned about it.

All they want (to know) is: Have we produced jobs for them, can we look after their medical care, can their medical care be affordable, can we cope with the cost of living, can we deliver good housing at affordable prices? "

Firstly, I don't know what 'population' he is drawing his conclusion from, but I am certain MANY people ARE concerned about it, just by looking at our Twitter feed and at Facebook. I'm sure MANY people ARE dissatisfied about it. It's human nature. If you get one candy and your friend gets ten, you'll start asking why.

Next, is his deductive logical processing impaired? Does he not see that the second part of what he says directly follows from the first part? Providing medical care, helping SG cope with cost of living (hint hint  GST hint) , housing subsidies are all Budget-related issues - together with the issue of ministerial pay. How can he think they are unrelated?

Malay as foreign language
This is the context - There is a noted halt in fluency in the Malay language. How should we address this?

Minister Yaacob Ibrahim's solution was this - to teach Malay as a foreign language instead of as a second language.

??? Does this not make sense to everyone or is it just me? I shall leave you with a link of a short write-up about this issue to decide for yourself:

This whole debate
There are so many things that Singaporeans are complaining about with regards to PAP - housing prices, GST, etc. Many of them are not just whiny complaints, but are well thought-out arguments.

Some are also hard to refute - such as the Mas Selamat case where noone had to take responsibility (translation: step down/resign) for the whole incident.
(In case you think this is unfair, in the corporate world, if any big screwup occurs, the CEO will always take responsibility and personally resign even if it really isn't his fault and is some employee's stupidity)
And when this was brought up to PM Lee, he answered sarcastically 'If you say this, I was the one who brought TCH in to be Defence Minister - so I should step down as well?"
It's a good tactic really, if you don't have an answer to a question, just reply with a rhetorical question.

However, is simply pointing out of the problems of the PAP enough? How about what they have achieved for Singapore? How about their good points?
Perhaps the right way to do this is not saying 'They are bad, we are good, vote for us!' but instead "We know they are good, but we are better!"

Well, carry on the debate, we are enjoying every bit of it reading the emotional arguments being thrown left and right online. You have four more days to do this, until a decision is reached.

And I daresay whatever the outcome, people on both sides (opposition or pro-PAP) will resume their typical Singaporean behavior of finding SOMETHING to criticize the government about even if they had personally voted for the winning party.

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